
Allow Registrars to sell .IN Domains in Aftermarket

Domain Name .IN (India) :
One of the rules laid out by the .IN registry NIXI is to not allow listing / selling of .IN , .CO.IN and other .IN domain names on Registrar platforms. This rule has been in place since 2005, when .IN domains were released to the public for registrations worldwide. Domain names are allowed to be sold/traded on non-registrar platforms.

Domain names by nature end up changing hands, businesses frequently have to transfer domains from one entity to another, sales of domain names in the aftermarket is an essential part of the eco system - see .com domains for example.

Its been 18 years and putting forth the idea for discussion, its time to allow .IN Domain Registrars to be engaged in the .IN aftermarket .

This has many advantages :
- Will make registrars more active in promoting .IN domains and make registrar more profitable , attracting more registrars for .IN
- Potentially increase the number of domain resellers in the market, which is an essential part of the domain name aftermarket
- Bring new domain registrants and increase .IN market and grow registration numbers
- Bring much higher visibilty for .IN domain names on registrar platforms, since this is entry way for many new customers / businesses , not just from India but worldwide

Making .IN domains available on all potential aftermarket platforms including Registrars just makes sense in 2023 . Its time for .IN to grow substantially (3 million currently) and this hurdle needs to be removed to fully bring in that next level growth and truly unleash the power of .IN market that is open and tradeable . Its a win win for customers and .IN domains in my opinion

See the post on Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7061640979040124928/


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Plus.co.in and Plus , popular keywords

Kitchen.in and Kitchen.co.in reserved by NIXI 

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